Why Choose Me as Your Clinical Psychologist?
Hi, I’m Dr Raileen Merlino
If you’re looking for counselling, family therapy or family dispute resolution with a clinical psychologist, it’s ideal to find someone who is right for you. The below information may assist with your decision-making process.
No judgement. No embarrassment. No shame. Just empathy and compassion.
One of the reasons people are reluctant to see a psychologist is because of the perceived judgement the psychologist may have of them, or their problems. If this is an issue you’re grappling with, let me put your mind at ease.
As a psychologist, my role is to listen to you, and guide you. I do both of these things with compassion, empathy, understanding and kindness.
I do this because that’s the job of a psychologist. However, psychology is so much more than just a job to me.
It’s my passion. It’s why I get up in the morning, and why I’ve dedicated my entire working life to helping people. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a client move from negative emotions to positive ones, from sadness to joy, fear to courage, confusion to clarity, anger to peace, anxiety to calmness.
When a person walks though my door, I am humbled that they’ve chosen me, and I’m filled with admiration at their strength for reaching out. Once you take the first step, I’m with you for as many steps as you need.
No matter what the circumstance, I’m here to listen and guide you – objectively, compassionately.
You’ll be heard. You’ll feel validated.
If you’re reading this page right now, there’s something in your life that doesn’t feel right. Something that’s making you feel sad, angry, confused, lonely, stressed, uncertain.
Please know, you are not alone.
We all experience similar emotions at times, but sometimes these emotions become so overwhelming they start to affect our relationships, and the way we live our lives.
In my space, you will be listened to. You will be heard.
All your feelings will be validated because there is no right or wrong way to feel. Once those feelings have been acknowledged and explained, we can take the next steps.
It’s not just a conversation, we work toward solutions
My goal is to help you work toward a way of living, and a way of feeling that is manageable and acceptable to you.
I’ll provide you with strategies and guidance to help solve problems, achieve goals, and to just feel better.
I have a proven track record* in helping my clients achieve positive outcomes. I can help you too. And in the rare case that your particular issue is not something I can assist with, I will refer you to another psychologist.
* As psychologists, we are not allowed to publish testimonials on our websites. However, many of my happy clients have provided me with testimonials and positive feedback that they have given me permission to share with others. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to send these testimonials to you. Please get in touch to receive them.
You’ll have peace of mind. I have over 18 years’ experience in the practice of psychology, having completed all requirements for the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology, and having been endorsed as a Clinical Psychologist.
My vast and detailed experience spans many environments, many problems, many people, many ages and many genders. (I have particular experience and expertise in transgender issues, gender dysphoria/identity, and sexuality.)
Wide Range of specialties
I have many broad areas of interest, which means I can assist with almost any problem. For a full list of my specialties, please visit the counselling page.